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This page is dedicated to showing you all the work, fun, creativity and life in the wildflower meadow


April 28th 2021

A wee video to show the latest work in the meadow. In 2019 I sowed a patch of the meadow with plants to feed the birds. It worked very well but because they were annuals they died back giving space for the dock weeds to grow. Last year I pulled them out on a regular basis, this year they have overtaken so there was a need to take drastic action. On a positive note it gives the local community a hands on chance to learn the making of a meadow.  


May 2021

May saw the making of a meadow workshop. I had underestimated how much work it would take to dig the new part of the meadow by hand. We all worked really hard and managed to dig, sow and rake a patch of the meadow. A good time was had by all chatting and digging with a break for tea and cake.

It took three more weeks to complete the rest of the meadow, with help from Harry my son and Olivia my daughter. All sown now wait to see it grow.














June 2021


June saw the first guests arrive and spend time wondering through the meadow. I hadn't officially opened the meadow but if I get a phone call I always let people come.

June 21st saw our first yoga workshop. Taken

by Chelle at THe Vibe Movement Moray.


 This went amazingly well with a special vegan feast

made by my daughter Olivia, The Liv Life Kitchen.













July 12th 2021


So far this July sees new groups coming to the meadow from the local community. It's wonderful to see so many people experiencing the calm and beauty of the wildflowers.

The new meadow has just started to bloom with pollinators feasting on the nectar and pollen.









March 17th 2022

Last year went by so quickly. The new meadow got a bit of a bashing from the strong winds but managed to flower until the end of September. It then offered seeds over the winter for a large flock of goldfinches and many other species.

The perennial meadow lost some of its blooms quite early due to two weeks of constant sun and no rain. There were two deer enjoying eating and sleeping in the meadow during December.

We have lots of moles, I'm hoping the balance of nature will see them not destroy too much with their tunneling.  They belong in nature as much as any animal.

Strimming has just taken place and I can see the cowslips which I planted last year coming through.

Yes, I will still be digging out docks but they are easy to see at this time of year. We will wait to see what new perennials grow in the new part of the meadow.

Very exciting.



June 1st 2022

June 1st 2022.jpg
July 23rd 2024
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